Dear Parents/Guardians of Saint Joseph Parish,
Each year we invite young people entering grades 5 – 8 to become servers for Sunday Mass. Their part in this ministry cannot happen without the cooperation and support of parents and guardians willing to bring their children to Church, commit to keeping the appointed Mass time for serving, and ask for a substitute when needed.
Please encourage your child to consider ministry as a server. Our servers these last couple of years have been doing a wonderful job at Mass, and it would be a gift to our parish to have more young people in this role.
We encourage our recent middle school graduates to continue to serve! High School servers bring their experience to the Mass and offer a tremendous witness. Serving at God’s altar is not just a grade school ministry!
God bless you for your willingness to bring your students into the service of the Church and the liturgy.
Bob Valle
Director of Liturgy and Music
Parents, there are two ways to complete the new altar server application.
You will receive an email from Ministry Scheduler Pro with a link to access the site so you can provide your Mass preferences and days you will not be available during that time period. Please access promptly so if there are questions, they can be resolved before the schedule is made.
Your child will be scheduled to serve for Sunday Masses beginning with the next schedule.
Per request from our pastor, Father Al, we ask that you be open to being scheduled at a Mass other than your preferred times.